Nov 012014

cookie    Heart Easy ™ Gluten Free Oatmeal-Raisin-Cranberry Awesome Cookies

A church member (Patrick Milburn) asked me if I knew how to make gluten-free cookies. I told him I’d never done that before, but it set me on a mission. Here are the results and, if I may say so myself, they are scrumptious. Try them anytime for holidays and beyond.



1 ½ cup gluten free rolled oats. (I used quick cooking)

1 cup gluten free Oat Flour

½ Cup Reddi Egg or egg substitute

½ cup authentic maple syrup (not flavored and colored corn syrup)

2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

¼ cup unsweetened applesauce

4 T. organic brown sugar

½ tsp sea salt

½ cup raisins

½ cup dried cranberries (orange flavored are fabulous.)



Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Combine the dry ingredients into one bowl and mix together.

Combine the wet ingredients in another bowl.

Add wet to dry and mix well.

Fold in the raisins and cranberries.

Refrigerate dough for 20 minutes.

Drop cookies onto a line baking sheet. (Parchment paper is excellent)

Bake for 12-15 minutes.

Allow cookies to cool completely before removing from paper.








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