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  1. I recently found out in July that I am deabitic, have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Since then I have lost 40 pounds and have come off my blood pressure medication. I have madea lifestyle change, not a diet. It’s been really hard tho to figure out what to eat. I have to look out for so many different things. Could you recommend some good things for me to eat? I’m bumbling and stumbling way through this the best I can.

    • Hi Gabriel,

      There are some very easy recipes here on my website but for many more great, heart healthy recipes that help with blood pressure and high cholesterol, I recommend my book, the Heart Easy Cook Book. You’ll learn how you can eat to support your heart and prevent heart disease, learn my personal discoveries about cooking for heart healthy and get recommendations for fantastic heart-healthy products you should be using instead of the ones that are killing you!


      Love, Kac

  2. […] a crust-less pumpkin pie, reduce the sugars (use organic or raw sugar). Replace heavy creams with non-fat evaporated milk […]

  3. Great advice.But what do I do if I’m flying in and can only bring one thing?

  4. […] Nov 192012   Last week I harvested tomatoes (in November!) from our amazing tomato plant, lovingly named Lazarus, for a Greek salad. This morning from my garden in the front yard, I harvested a cucumber, basil, […]

  5. […] fruit since June this year and  last week on November 10, 2012, I harvested more tomatoes for a Greek salad and there are still more green tomatoes ready to […]

  6. […] on my Heart Easy™ Irish Nachos! reddit_url = "https://www.hearteasy.com/heart-easy-guacamole/";reddit_title = […]

  7. […] 1-2 Cup Heart -Easy™ Guacamole 1 Cup non-fat sour […]

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